Viscosity vpn software
Viscosity vpn software

  1. Viscosity vpn software how to#
  2. Viscosity vpn software install#
  3. Viscosity vpn software download#

You'll need to copy into this folder the connections you wish to bundle Viscosity with.

viscosity vpn software

Make a note of the folder type you wish to use. Connections: If Viscosity already contains connections with the same name as connections in this folder, the user will be prompted with the choice to to overwrite those connections, or for them to be appended with an altered name (for example "My Connection 1" instead of "My Connection"), or not import them at all.If a connection already exists with the same name as a bundled connection, the bundled connection will be imported using an alternate name (for example "My Connection 1" instead of "My Connection"). Connections-Append: Any connections in this folder will be automatically appended to the user's existing connections.If a connection of that name doesn't already exist a bundled connection will be imported normally. For example, if the user already has a connection named "My Connection", and there is a bundled connection named "My Connection", the existing connection will be deleted and the bundled connection imported. Connections-Overwrite: Connections in this folder will overwrite connections of the same name already listed in Viscosity.Each folder deploys Viscosity connections in a different manner: Inside the Preconfigure folder there are a number of different folders for connections. If you only wish to bundle Viscosity with settings and not any connections, please skip to the next section. Once extracted you should see the following files and directories in the Finder:

viscosity vpn software

Viscosity vpn software download#

This will be used to edit and construct an installer for Viscosity.įinally, download and extract the template installer package also linked to in the above section.

Viscosity vpn software install#

Next download and install the "Packages" application linked in the above section. It should be configured with the connections you wish to include in the bundled version (if applicable) and/or the settings you wish to have included (if applicable). To get started you will first need to ensure that you have the latest version of Viscosity installed and configured on the machine you'll be using for making the bundled version of Viscosity.

  • Packages, a free installer editor for macOS.
  • A copy of our viscosity_installer_1.3.tgz template installer package.
  • A copy of the latest version of Viscosity.
  • To get started you will need the following requirements:

    Viscosity vpn software how to#

    The sections below detail how to utilise Viscosity's bundling feature.Ĭonnections, settings, menu items, and license details can all be included alongside Viscosity in an installation bundle that can be easily distributed to end-users so no additional actions are required by them to get started.

    viscosity vpn software

    They can simply install and run Viscosity and all bundled settings and data will be automatically imported. Viscosity has the ability to be bundled and distributed with settings, connections, menu actions, and license details so end-users don't need to perform any steps to setup Viscosity.

    Viscosity vpn software